letras de kanye west i wonder letras de kanye west i wonderletras de kanye west i wonder

As "letras de kanye west i wonder" is the core keyword, it seems that you are interested in reading the lyrics to the song "I Wonder" by Kanye West. In the song, Kanye reflects on his rise to fame and fortune, and questions whether those material possessions truly bring him happiness. The song begins with Kanye rapping: Find your dreams come true And I wonder if you know What it means, what it means And I wonder if you know What it means, to find your dreams These lyrics showcase Kanye's introspection and his desire to understand the meaning behind success. He seems to be questioning whether achieving one's dreams is truly fulfilling, or if there's something more to it than just material possessions. Later in the song, Kanye raps: And now you're sayin' that you need me Baby, I need you too I pray for salvation Yeah, the fools done worried me These lyrics show a change in Kanye's attitude towards his success. While he may have initially been skeptical about what it meant to achieve his dreams, he now realizes that he needs the people in his life to truly be happy. Overall, "I Wonder" is a powerful and thought-provoking song that asks important questions about the true meaning of success and happiness. Kanye's introspective lyrics and emotional delivery make it a must-listen for fans of the rapper's music.